The Sha'tar EU
Claudine Ophelia Blackaxe
Claudine Ophelia Blackaxe image1
Claudine and her toad, mr. Pudding
Vital statistics
Title {{{Title}}}
Gender Female
Race Forsaken (former human)
Class {{{Class}}}
Age {{{Age}}}
Beliefs {{{Beliefs}}}
Alignment {{{Alignment}}}
Affiliation Horde/Neutral
Occupation {{{Occupation}}}
Location Around undercity
Status As alive as possible
Relative(s) {{{Relatives}}}

Doctor Claudine O. Blackaxe (formerly Moore) is a rather lively forsaken girl.


Claudine was born in Westfall, and grew up with a loving Moore family consisting of father, mother and two twin brothers about 8 years younger than her. She lived relatively long with her family, working for food in the farm every day, selling the products and goods of the farm in Stormwind and looking after her younger brothers. Claudine never got to marry, for her parents never had enough money to pay for the dowry; they couldn't even provide their children a fine education (Claudine was taught to read and write, and do some simple maths, by her parents), although Claudine had told about her dreams of becoming a battlemage. Only her undeath gave her a chance to study magics later on. Having lived a peaceful life with her family, she was taken by a disease at the age of 16-17, leaving her family behind.

Life as a recently awoken forsaken wasn't too jolly for her, but she got used to it eventually; she was offered minor tasks to earn some money, and before Claudine even realized, she was living in Brill's inn, studying magics, working for the Royal Apothecarium Society and getting married with Bearach Blackaxe, giving up her former surname Moore.

She spent few years studying to become a doctor, leaving the Apothecary Socitety after major abuse by one of the members. Almost right after that she got to work within the Academy of mostly elves, as a school nurse. As she didn't stay there for too long, no-one really noticed her disappearance as she was kidnapped by a gang of cultists, old enemies of the Apothecarium. Her husband found her after a month, taking his wife back under his protection.


By nature Claudine is blessed with warmth and tenderness. She's very obedient to her superiors, loyal to her friends and ready to listen if someone has been upset. Unfortunately, Claudine is very shy and it might be rather hard to approach her, for she is very jumpy and nervous around new people. She's constantly shivering and stuttering, unless she's with a person she really trusts and knows.

Usually she gets her helpfullness turned down by the fellow Forsaken, but she keeps trying hard to please almost everyone and be useful. Claudine's naive and childlike behavior has caused both disgust and despise, aswell as a strong sense of protection and caring. Sometimes it leads to the situation, where Claudine cannot do anything by herself, and just tugs onto other people helplessly and almost demands for protection. She comes along with just about everyone (of course she has those who she wants to stay away from aswell), and it's usual for her to


Claudine is doing well with her progress as a mage

be ripped between arguements and fights of two friends of hers. She always tries to solve problems diplomatically and without any violence. Lately she has gotten slightly more ready to defend herself with violence, after realizing that diplomacy doesn't always work.

Her main priority is to study hard to gain a perfect balance between wisdom and skill, working very hard to reach her goal, doing her best at all times.


Claudine is a rather short and frail (160cm / 43kg) looking forsaken. Her long hair is messy blonde and her eyes gloomy yellow, but still holding a lot of expression within them. Her cheeks and forehead have rotten slightly, as well as her chest, hip and leg aswell. The only parts showing bare bone are her right shoulder and both hand fingers. Claudine's sweet appearance has been slightly butchered by a scar running down her face, from left temple to her cheek. Her right achilles heel has been brutally ruined, and she's unable to get around without a crutch under her armpit or a walking stick to lean onto.

However, she's a rather charming creature, usually staying very silent in a corner enjoying a good company of a good book. The feeling of her being a book worm is spiced up by the pair of eyeglasses on her eyes. She can barely see in the dark without them.

You could almost say that Claudine is around 15 years old, judging from her clumsy, childlike body, but in fact she was just about to turn 17 before she died, and she is still surprisingly very well preserved.

Her voice is quiet and calm, and she has a slightly hissing 's' when she speaks. She stutters alot, usually due to fright or nervousity, or she might just be unsure about herself. If you ever see her getting angry or otherwise very upset or scared, her voice becomes high pitched and the stuttering might disappear.
