The Sha'tar EU
Kigen Silverarrow II
Kigen Silverarrow image
Kigen's face betrays his youth
Vital statistics
Gender Male
Race Sin'dorei (Blood elf)
Faction Horde
Health Healthy
Status Noble
Location Quel'thalas

The night falls quietly, outside of the manor. The silence of the surrounding woods gives an eerie atmosphere, one that unnerves the young noble as he stands on the balcony looking out. The beauty of the woods never ceased to amaze him, how tranquil everything in the woods remained, even after the earthquakes of late. The ugly dead scar, simply a blemish upon the overall beauty of his homeland. He looked to his right, where the rest of the elven community lived, the city of Silvermoon. He smiled to himself, amused by the clear disdain that his kin had for the rest of their race. He then remembered fondly of how the 'peasants' gathered outside their home, demanding that the family sell their goods to help fund the defence of the city. Little did his father know, but Kigen had went out with some of his spare jewellery and sold it, he then donated the sizeable sum to the war effort. He chuckled and then turned, and returned to his bed.


Father: Lord Kigen Silverarrow I Mother: Eirianne Silverarrow Siblings: Lellianne Silverarrow (Sister)

The youngest of his family, Kigen has only just reached the age of maturity. His father, being old fashioned, named him the heir to the Silverarrow fortune upon birth. His sister was later sent to a temple. This means that Kigen grew up alone. He was spoiled by his parents, but always retained a kind and generous heart. He was pushed through his education too. He always enjoyed his lessons in swordplay, however, and has carried it on as a hobby. Upon reaching the age of maturity he was given a large sum of money, he has invested this wisely and remains in a wealthy position. He purchased a small apartment in the city and lives there most of the time. He does, however, spend a lot of time at his parent's manor in Eversong.


Kigen is a thrill seeker, he often (Without his parent's knowledge) signs up to mercenary regiments, to be taken out to battle. His father allowed him a spell with the Blood hawks, where his love of swordplay gave him a leg up, as he quickly mastered the art of combat. Although he has a lack of life experience and can often be naive, he retains a cool and collected attitude which has earned him a renown in the various regiments he has travelled with (All under the same pseudonym of course).


Kigen has no knowledge of wielding, or defending against magic (With the exception to the natural racial resistance all elves have) so Magic can be used.


"Beauty is a lilly, and love is a rose, both are fine to look at, but one comes with a subtle but well known danger" - An excerpt from Kigen's Diary

"I get bored in a house all day, surely you could understand. War sates my thrill quota, and there are plenty of it." - Kigen to his servant.


See also[]

External links[]

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